20 Minutes

Speedos (Speedo line)


Before your Wax

  • Ensure all broken skin or inflammation has healed before your appointment.  
  • Two to three weeks of growth, or about 1cm in length, is ideal.
  • If your hair is very long, trim up as best as you can to about 1cm prior to your appointment. (If you are unsure, we can trim using clippers before the treatment to avoid trimming too short).
  • Gently exfoliate your skin a day or two before waxing, but skip harsh scrubs on the day of your waxing appointment.  
  • Moisturise well on the days leading up to your appointment.
  • If possible, please shower before your treatment, but leave a gap of around 1 hour between showering and your appointment because the skin can be more sensitive following a hot shower.

After your Wax  

  • It’s normal to experience slight redness or small bumps after waxing but these will usually subside within 24-48 hours.  
  • Keep the waxed area clean, and avoid heat and friction during the next 48 hours  
  • Avoid saunas, hot tubs or steam rooms  
  • No tanning (in any form including sunbathing, fake tan or sunbeds) for 48 hours
  • Avoid sport and exercise
  • Avoid touching the waxed areas for a few days to prevent spots
I look forward to seeing you!
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